Uber Eats Demand Soars Due To COVID-19 Crisis

Uber Eats Demand Soars Due To COVID-19 Crisis.

While much of the world is social-distancing, under quarantine, or in total lockdown due to COVID-19, it appears to have given some business a boost - in Portugal at least. According to a report published at The Information, Uber Eats has seen a sizable surge, in a number of key areas.

In addition to increased sales, Uber Eats has reportedly seen a 30% surge in customers signing up for the service and it has received an influx of new drivers as well. Uber’s rideshare business has slowed considerably during the pandemic, and drivers that once engaged exclusively with Uber have now turned to Uber Eats to supplement their income.

The increase in Uber Eats ’business isn’t likely to offset the decrease in Uber’s ride-share demand, but it is a glimmer of positivity among mostly bad news lately. Then again, the additional business will possibly increase Uber Eats ’losses. The service reportedly loses money on most orders and it has waived delivery fees in some large markets like New York and San Francisco. Fees for a number of independent restaurants have been waived as well.

Source: Forbes Portugal
