Today Is INTERNATIONAL WORKER'S DAY - May 01, 2020. Everybody loves to spend time on their hobbies – no matter whether you love shopping, diving, going to the cinema, travelling, hiking, or one of the thousands of other leisure activities, you probably spend a large part of your life figuring out how to it more often. Unfortunately, however, the truth is that in order to have the money to do what you love to do, you also have to work. Of course, there are some lucky people among us truly love their jobs, but regardless of how much we enjoy doing our jobs, we have to do them. But we should also remember that each and every little job we do is necessary and valuable to society, from garbage man to nurse to the teacher to the policeman. Together, all of us build the society, making it a better, safer place with each passing year. Now, isn't that something worth celebrating? We think it is, so let’s celebrate International Worker's Day together! The History of In...